Restricted Access Drilling in Urban and Rural Environments

by | Aug 7, 2023

Most people wouldn’t have thought that geotechnical drilling companies work in urban environments; but we do! Restricted access drilling is often required in areas with limited space, such as towns and cities. However, this specialist form of drilling is often required in rural settings if the site is difficult to enter.

This week, the team here at Borehole Solutions, one of the UK’s leading geotechnical drilling companies, share what should be considered when working on a restricted access site.

Restricted VS Limited Access

It’s a common misconception that the terms ‘restricted’ and ‘limited’ access mean the same thing. When limitations impede a drill operators’ ability to use their equipment, then this refers to limited access. On the contrary, restricted access refers to the difficulty in accessing the site in the first place. If a company offers restricted access drillingrigs, then they will likely supply machinery for limited access situations.

Restricted Access Drilling Rigs

Restricted access rigs offer a multitude of benefits for any drilling company. Their small size, portability and versatility make them key members of any fleet. Some of the applications of these specialist rigs include:

  • Sonic drilling
  • Micro-piling
  • Window sampling
  • Open borehole sampling
  • Cable percussion drilling
  • Installing geo-exchange units
  • Hollow stem auguring

Tight Spaces

When working in urban settings, you may only have a few square metres of ground to work with. You may be required to enter underground tunnels, work in hospitality buildings or even drill around heavy traffic. How can you possibly carry out a job in these conditions?! Luckily for restricted access drilling rigs, it’s more feasible than you might expect.

The portable nature of restricted access rigs makes them ideal for jobs in urban areas. They can be dismantled and rebuilt on-site for ease. Furthermore, if you’re working in narrow streets, you can opt for mounted rigs. These have width-adjustable capabilities so they can move through areas that otherwise seem impossible.

Limited Headroom

Height restrictions are often forgotten about. Whether you’re working in an urban setting with a low ceiling or rural environment with overhanging trees, our restricted access services can offer a solution. With the help of telescopic mats, we can drill on sites with only a couple of metres headroom available!

Safety is Priority

Safety should always be at the forefront for any geotechnical drilling company. As you would expect, restricted access sites come with an increased risk. To mitigate the chance of serious injury, many restricted access rigs have been fit with hydraulic breakout clamps. This way, operators don’t have to be too hands-on with the machinery.

Contact Borehole Solutions

John Rodgman, Managing Director at Borehole Solutions, has shared his expertise about restricted access drillingwith Highways Today. Click here to read more.

We offer industry-leading restricted access services as well as numerous other geotechnical drilling services for site investigations. If you would like to find out more about our drilling services, get in touch with us on 01733 200501 or click here to speak with our team directly.