The remediation technique of soil stabilisation has been implemented across the building and construction industry for thousands of years. In fact, early examples date back to the Mesopotamian and ancient Egyptian periods, who were considered leading pioneers of this technique. This was later adapted and expanded by the Greeks and Romans to ferry civilisation through the harshest of environments. Did you know that sections of our roads were built upon the basis of this technique?!
As you’d expect, 2000-odd years later, we have seen some significant developments. The premise, however, remains the same – improving the strength, durability and bearing capacity of an area of land. At Borehole Solutions, we are proud adopters of these stabilisation techniques, and have an extensive understanding of each of them. This week, our expert team would like to discuss these renowned remediation processes!
What is Soil Stabilisation?
For any construction project, whether it’s property building, roadway maintenance, or whatever else – soil is the foundation of its entire structure. The stabilisation process involves the physical, chemical, or biological modification of this earthly footing to improve its strength and durability. Historically, this involved compounding the earth with stabilising agents, such as pulverised limestone and calcium. Whilst methods have changed throughout the years, soil stabilisation today can be summarised into three main categories.
Biological Stabilisation
This stabilisation technique is primarily used in areas where soil is expected to be heavily affected by the weather. Also known as forestation, this involves planting trees and seedlings in previously barren areas. Despite being an organic and natural process, this should be accompanied by other stabilisation methods during a plant’s early years. Failure to do this risks wind, rain, and excessive weather conditions hindering, or even killing, a young plants’ development.
Chemical Stabilisation
Whilst chemicals are prominent in most forms of soil stabilisation, this technique relies more heavily on them than others. This process involves adding lime or cement, for example, to modify soil particles and increase the area’s overall resistance. After the addition of water to the solution, a chemical reaction then transforms the treated area. The efficiency of this process, however, depends on the reaction that occurs. Therefore, it’s important to correctly match the right stabiliser with a particular soil type.
Physical Stabilisation
This technique incorporates various grades of soil to increase an area’s solidity and gradation. By altering the soil’s particle size, it also adjusts its natural characteristics. There are five main techniques incorporated under physical stabilisation: compaction, pre-wetting, soil reinforcement, wetting dry cycle and solid waste. For more information on these techniques, click here!
Contact Us
If you’d like to find out more about our soil stabilisation, geotechnical, or remediation services – we’re happy to help! With over 20 years’ experience working within the drilling industry, the team at Borehole Solutions is well-adept in all aspects of the ground. To speak to our professional team, contact us today on 01733 200501 or send an email to There is also the option to contact us via our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you!