In recent years, an increasing number of people and businesses have looked into installing water wells for their own, self-sufficient, fresh water supply. Whilst we applaud this adoption of sustainable practice, we also believe it is crucial that water well drilling is carried out by a professional. A substandard job can result in both financial and practical difficulties in the future. A professionally drilled well, however, can provide the owner with a variety of benefits, including saving money and improved energy efficiency.
What is Involved?
Initially, a water borehole prognosis report based on a hydrological survey is required before any drilling can take place. This should be carried out by a specialist hydrogeologist as it is crucial for the project. On completion, the report will have identified the location of a water source, as well as the quality of the water and volume that can be extracted. Consequently, this assists with locating the exact position where the drilling should commence and the well installed.
The next step involves using specialist drilling rigs to drill the well to the required depth. A casing (made of either stainless steel, PVC, or a combination of both) is built and inserted to prevent the walls of the well collapsing. Then, a test pump is introduced to derive information about the performance characteristics of the water well being installed. The water level in the abstraction borehole and the pumping rate is also monitored throughout. The final step is to install the pump and pipe that will abstract the water intended for use.
Is Permission Required for A Water Well?
If you are the landowner, then there is no legal requirement to apply for a permit or planning permission to drill a water well. However, there is a limit on the amount of water that can be extracted – up to 20,000 litres of water can be extracted per day, in accordance with the Water Act of 2003. For anybody who wishes to use more than this figure, then an abstraction licence will be necessary.
Is Water Well Water Safe to Drink?
In comparison to mains water, the water from a borehole can be of a considerably higher quality. Did you know that almost half of all mains water is from recycled wastewater? Therefore, to ensure a safe quality reaches our homes, companies add chemicals such as chloride and fluoride. On the other hand, most borehole water is safe to consume. Despite this, when considering the organic nature in which it is channelled through, there is a small chance of contamination. If this occurs, then the simple solution is to install a water filtration system to your pump.
Get in Touch
Inexpensive and efficient, water boreholes provide you with an autonomous, private water supply. In our opinion, we are surprised that more people don’t have them installed! To find out more about our water well drilling services, then please get in touch today on 01733 200 501 or email us at