Using the Eijkelkamp GeoPoint Compact CPT Rig for Site Investigations

by | May 9, 2022

There is a common saying that “great things come in small packages”. This is certainly true for the Eijkelkamp GeoPoint Compact CPT Rig. The rig delivers a pushing force of 100kN; whilst weighing in at little over 1 tonne and being a compact size of 2.62 x 0.79 x 2.03 metres. Boasting performance features that you would not expect from a rig of this size, it has revolutionised our drilling rig armoury.

Restricted Access Drilling Capabilities

With an ever-increasing demand for restricted access geotechnical site investigations, the Compact CPT Rig is extremely handy. Naturally, its smaller frame makes it ideal for those hard-to-reach places. The CPT tower is also detachable, meaning it is even easier to squeeze through narrow spaces. The rig’s track-mounting allows maximum control for the operator as well as a high degree of manoeuvrability. Thanks to the Eijkelkamp GeoPoint Compact CPT Rig, there is no such thing as an impossible job.

Minimal Environmental Impact

We have briefly touched upon the degree of movement that the mounted tracks provide, but they also reduce the environmental impact. These tracks disturb the area surrounding the site investigation at an absolute minimum level. If the work is being carried out in an environmentally sensitive area, it is crucial to minimise the ground damage as much as possible. With a decreased weight spread out across the tracks, you are doing just that.

For urban environment site investigations, there are a number of factors that need to be accounted for. These include noise pollution levels, exhaust gas emissions, as well as air quality. The Eijkelkamp GeoPoint Compact CPT Rig is a highly modular drill with several components: a hydraulic power pack which remotely powers the detachable CPT tower. This power pack allows for work to be continued despite the drilling job, which is vital in urban spaces as nobody wants life to stop just to allow us drillers to work.

Safety at the Forefront

The most important consideration with any site investigation, is the safety of the on-site personnel. Most drilling injuries occur from practical hands-on work where parts of the body, or clothing, get snared on a mechanical component of the rig. Nowadays, careful planning and assessments are implemented at every stage to ensure the safety of those working with the rigs. The Eijkelkamp GeoPoint Compact CPT Rig is every safety conscious contractor’s dream.

Traditional hand-operated clamps have been replaced by ball clamps. This reduces the risk of clothing or worse, body parts, becoming caught within the frame of the rig. The Compact CPT is also incredibly simple to operate, meaning there is less chance for human error and mistakes being made. Its easy operation allows the contractor to purely focus on the job at hand, delivering more accurate and precise drilling work.

Eijkelkamp GeoPoint Compact CPT Rig’s Are Versatile for Easy Transportation

More commonly, there is a need for geotechnical site investigations at short-notice. With a rig as flexible as the Compact CPT, it makes transportation of the rig unbelievably stress-free. The detachable CPT tower and small dimensions of the rig result in a size that can certainly fit into the back of a van or trailer. Additionally, the simple operation means it can be set-up fast and smoothly, meaning you can crack on with your site investigation as quickly as possible.

Find Our More About Eijkelkamp GeoPoint Compact CPT Rig’s

With a rising amount of site investigations being conducted in urban areas, as well as customers expecting drilling no matter how difficult the access, the Compact CPT Rig provides a brilliant solution. Get in touch today to find out more about our site investigation services! Contact Borehole Solutions on 01733 200501. Whatever drilling job you have, Borehole Solutions will provide you with the bespoke and tailored solution that you require.